

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ok, so I'm stuffed.

I find myself once again feeling exasperated at the thought of writing a context piece and the English exam on Thursday.........
I didn't know what to do! I Googled Gandhi quotes and some were really interesting but none reduced the severity of my screwed nature...
I thought about writing a blog about the topic of 'Identity and Belonging'......I'm sorry, that is SO lameee hahahaha...dw, dw, I decided against it. 
I wrote down some Gandhi quotes, got bored and went off to watch 'How I Met Your Mother' instead. I love it, it's so funny. 
In effect, I graduated from High School on Wednesday. I want to write something about that in my a Valedictory speech about Identity with some Gandhi quotes....I'm actually really liking that idea. 
Like one quote, which says "As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the in being able to remake ourselves."
Maybe I'd be talking to the members of my class and talking about how different our lives will be in 5 years and how different we ourselves will be. Our lives will, inevitably change and maybe thats for the best. Bad things will happen, we'll probably end up nowhere near where we though we'd want to be but maybe we'll change and maybe it'll be for the better. Maybe we'll be completely different from who we are now and ten thousand times happier than we ever dreamed of being. 
We can't remake the world but we can remake ourselves. Or is it life that will remake and reform us? My teacher always told me that Identity is fluid and always changing. Maybe we can't change the world so we have to change, ourselves? That's how we survive. Our lives will change, that we can't control that. We can't control what our lives will become but we can change ourselves to suit it?
Like Holden Caulfield. He couldn't change his situation. He couldn't change anyone at Pencey but he didn't want to remake himself, so he had to leave. He wouldn't compromise himself to suit his situation, so he was expelled. 

Each of us have to remake ourselves to suit our situation because our situation itself changes.